Tuesday, July 14, 2015

M.E. #5

A photo of M.E. #5 at the 9/11 event


THREAT LEVEL: Extremely Dangerous

DESCRIPTION: M.E. #5 is a species of humanoid creatures with wings on their backs and are pure black in color. Their only visible features are they're eyes, witch glow red and sometimes blue.

M.E. #5 appear at events in which massive numbers of death accrue. They seem to feed off of death and fear and will sometimes even cause it in order to feed, though this is rare.

M.E. #5 caused 9/11. En order to feed, fifteen M.E. #5 attacked the American Airlines Flight 11 and caused it to crash into the World Trades Center. The fifteen M.E. #5 remained in the area for a total of 24 hours and fed on the death and fear in the area. One of these M.E. #5 where captured and is the only M.E. #5 in captivity. The government covered up this event with a fake story about terrorists.

Monday, May 25, 2015

M.E. #4

The only known picture of M.E. #4 

CODE NAME: Moby Dick


DESCRIPTION: M.E. #4 is a sperm whale (or what appears to be a sperm whale) that is far larger than a normal Sperm Whale. It is about the size of one and a half full grown Sperm Whales. It is extremely aggressive and hunts seemingly for only sport instead of predatory instinct. M.E. #4 kills anything it sees (or at least tries) but rarely eats anything he kills.

When swimming, M.E. #4 sounds like a steam engine. It is theorized that M.E. #4 is not an organic creature, or not fully organic, but a machine or cyborg of some kind. If M.E. #4 is a machine, it is unknown how it releases it's exhaust, but is theorized that it releases it through it's blowhole.

M.E. #4 has not been captured by the foundation because it will quickly dive into the depths of the sea before it can be pursued. It can suddenly change it's speed to 10,000 miles per hour within seconds. This speed is another reason M.E. #4 is theorized to be a machine.

M.E. #4 is to be captured, studied, and killed as soon as possible.

Friday, April 3, 2015

P.O.L. #1




DESCRIPTION: P.O.L. #1 is a massive abandoned mental hospital called "Heaven's Kettle" in Spokane, WA. It dates back to the 1950 and was abandoned in 1952.  Many of the inmates said that it was haunted or that it was "Hell itself".

Phenomenon began to appear in 1951, but only in small portions. By October of 1951 "Heaven's Kettle" was considered haunted, and a year later was abandoned.

The inside of the mental hospital in now very down. Mainly because of age and vandalism.

Many strange occurrences happen in "Heaven's Kettle".

Reoccurring Phenomenon 
 1. Most common is a small creature that crawls through the halls.

 2. The entire basement, 1st floor, 3rd floor, and top floor flood with an non-existing water filled with Shark Swarms.

3. A large black cloud of smoke that appears in the basement and seems to be made of some sort of acid, as it quickly eats away all flesh and turns people into bleach white skeletons.

4. A pack of skinned dogs that appear at any given time and kill on sight live in the basement and 3rd floor.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

M.E. #3

M.E. #3's current form

CODE NAME: The Shapeless


DESCRIPTION: M.E. #3 is a small entity made of human and canine liver and brain tissue. M.E. #3 will change it's form if it feeds on a massive amount of brain and liver tissue over time.

M.E. #3 screams out high pitch screams when afraid. Things that cause this are
  • Hypodermic needles
  • Large dogs
  • Any reptile 
M.E. #3 laughs uncontrollably around certain things as well. Some of these things include
  • Small Rodents
  • Puppies
  • Any amphibians

CONTAINMENT QUARTERS: M.E. #3 is held in a 3X3X3 feet D-Class container.

M.E. #2


CODE NAME: Tinker 

THREAT LEVEL: Moderately Safe 

DESCRIPTION: M.E. #2 is mummified body of an unknown creature, roughly one foot tall, with leaf-like wings, large eye sockets, and is humanoid in appearance. It is dated back to the year 1200 and was found in a cave in Ireland. 

The dead body will move  twitch at times, most often in the wings, neck, or left arm. Why or how it does this is unknown. 

When a person is standing within 5 feet of the body, they begin to feel dizzy and nauseous, why this happens is unknown. 

M.E. #2 glows in the dark.

CONTAINMENT QUARTERS: M.E. #2 is kept in a small glass box that is only to be opened for research and examining 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

M.E. #1




DESCRIPTION: M.E. #1 is a small creature roughly about 1 foot tall. The subject has human pigmented skin, and face resembling a mouse/human hybrid. M.E. #1 has the intelligence of a human child of ages 1-2 years old. It is of male gender and enjoys warm temperatures.

The creature has DNA from both Mus musculus (Common House Mouse) and Homo Sapiens (Human Being). Origins of creature are unknown. It is thought to be a result of Human Gene Splicing, because of the two separate DNA, it being as of now the only known specimen of it's kind, and the location it was captured (See M.E. #1'S CAPTURE)

M.E. #1 will emit a loud squealing noise when it is upset or has been left alone for to long. We are lead to believe this is because of loneliness.

M.E. #1'S CAPTURE ( 12,1, 1999):M.E. #1 was found in an abandoned Science Lab in Kansas City, Kansas. It was crawling around in the heating vents when it was found and moved to Containment Foundation H.Q..

CONTAINMENT QUARTERS: M.E. #1 is held in a containment sell 3X3X3 meters. There is to be at least one living creature in M.E. #1's cage at all times.